The Story of Rejuvenating Toru Education


We wish to provide a bit of context to our ‘newcomers’ of where Toru Education has come from, and how we went on it to rekindle its format:

The mission of Toru Education is ‘to provide experiential learning opportunities that nurture people, planet and spirit’. 

The name Toru (three) connects and grounds us to the three permaculture ethics of 
people care, earth care, fair share. It also connects us to the threefold teaching style of engaging hands, heart and head. For Toru, education is:

Living it!

I am deeply committed to co-creating the space for 20 people living together for 15 days and supporting the growth of a caring and resilient community where teaching and learning from each other seamlessly occur. It is also called a Permaculture Course! It is difficult to describe what actually happens in that time. Yes, we have a diverse and rich programme and yes we are a team of skilled and experienced teachers at two beautiful venues (first at the Hanawera farm and then the Waihoanga centre, both in Otaki).

Toru Education? Who are you?

This archetypal human question applies to an organisation as much as to an individual. Your given name doesn’t help towards solving this riddle.

Toru Education is just over one year old. It was called into life by founding Trustees Gary Williams, Lucy Carver and myself on the 29th September 2016 with a mission of “Toru Education is to provide experiential education opportunities that nurture people, planet and spirit”.